
Data Structures and Algorithms

This article contains in-depth explanations to key computer science concepts, algorithms and data structures. They are implemented in `JavaScript`, `Java`, `C++`, `Python`, `TypeScript`, `C` and `C#`. This repository is intended to be my online reference / notes as I learn these topics and I hope you find this information valuable.

2023 - 2024 (Updated constantly)

SQL Joins Explained

One of the most powerful tools when working with relational data in SQL is Join Queries. SQL allows us to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set which enables us to retrieve data spread in multiple tables just using a single command. In this article, we'll explore the different types of SQL joins, focusing on how they work in PostgreSQL.

September 3, 2024

Building a Chess Web App

In this article, we will be building a Chess application using React that will allow the player to drag pieces across the board. We'll be using TailwindCSS for styling. To view what we will be building by the end of this article, visit mathewbushuru.com/experiments/0001.

July 4, 2024


A few weeks ago, I was talking to one of my friends about a social venture that I have spent most of this year working on. He wanted to know what we do and I told him that we provide online educational content like Wikipedia and Khan Academy to students in high schools but offline. His next question is what led me to write this medium post. The question was: 'What is the point of that? Nowadays, everyone is online 24/7 anyway.'

July 24, 2019